Hallo America.
So, I left off at the promise to blog more regularly...This is awkward...I am sorry :) I have realized that I am living in Oxford, UK and there are so many things, people, and places to distract me soooooo I will do my best to blog as frequently as possible. No promises though:)
Well, as promised, Lyndi and I went to Port Meadow on Saturday. We also brought along our other halves, Shelby and Laynie. It was a beautiful day and we just walked through the meadow taking in the geese, dried up pond, cute old couples walking together, and adorable children running around. We ended up going over some bridge that we found very quaint. I'm pretty sure it was a gang's meeting place. Their sign was there.
Straight. Up. G's. I'm sure whatever gang it is is super frightening. They steal children's shoes. Can't top that.
Anyways, the four of us slipped past the gang bridge unscathed. Phew. As we were walking, we just started going towards anything that was of interest. In hindsight, this might not have been the wisest choice that we could have made because we ended up getting lost. For eight miles. E-I-G-H-T MILES. Needless to say, it was super duper fun :) No, it really was, and we saw some really great country and local life including canal boat houses, aggressive swans, adorable children, and snails. While we're on the topic of snails, can we just take a moment to realize how amazing they are? And how awesome God has to be to have cared enough to design their amazing shells for each one? Laynie and I came across Freddie. Which is what I dubbed him. He's adorable. And then we found him a friend, but his friend was shy so we left them alone. BUT Freddie was quite sociable. We had a bit of a photo shoot which you can find on FB. Here's a sneak peek.
Anyways, we found a little place in the woods to do some homework, A.K.A. "pretend to study for the allotted amount of time" and then started climbing trees. Shortly after, we decided it'd be a good idea to start maybe finding out where we were and how to get home. I asked an old lady for directions with my pack looking on and they informed me later that I was talking with a British accent the entire time. Fantastic. Anyways, we kinda found our way to Woodstock (our street) and just picked a direction on it and started walking. We eventually ran into our house which was so great because all of our feet were about to fall off. That was such an adventure and really was a lot of fun. People should try getting lost sometimes. It's liberating. And kinda scary. But mostly liberating. And fun.
Sunday, Lyndi and I went to the 6:00pm service at St. Andrews with a few of our Oxford family and it was wonderful. They had a worship team and actually sang a couple songs I knew and even a few I know from Beltway! It was pretty great.
Monday was a pretty normal day school wise, but then Lyndi, Laynie, and I went and visited Mary at her flat!! It was so much fun. She served us tea and cookies, gave us a tour of her little apartment, showed up pictures of her attractive grandson that is a doctor and her other serious one that is on his third degree, and we just talked about random things for like 2 or 3 hours. Mary's friend Mary (I know it's confusing, try to stick with me) came as well and we talked with her. She was a bit hard of hearing, but looked really cute haha Our Mary used to teach Biology which we found out by her being super excited about Biology being Laynie's major. Soon it was time to go, so we bid her goodbye and promised we'd be back. Which we will I am sure! And we told her once we head back home to the states we will have to get her mailing address and stay in touch. She's so adorable and we love her :)
Tuesday was a super long day like always, but we got through it. And then at 9 we had our first weekly devotional meeting thing. We all have groups and once a week we have to put on the worship/message. It was really great. At first I was a little bit tentative, but after experiencing it for the first time, I love it. All of us cram into the common room and just worship the Lord as a group, as a community, some one reads a passage from the Bible and we just unpack it, making comments, asking questions, and exploring the Word. It was just so great. A few of us stayed afterwards and Josh played the guitar and we just sang for a while. It was really cool. For those of you who are going to Oxford in the Spring and are worried about this, don't be intimidated. It's great.
Wednesday was a normal day school wise as well, but Lyndi and I went to the market early in the morning and got our haul for the week, talked with our friend Mic the bread man (he gave us free cheesesticks), and got our weekly morning pastries from him which were delicious as always. Brady and I made supper that night of rice and chicken, threw in some sauteed veggies and tomatoes with some soy sauce and voila! Delicious AND simple. I'm kinda getting the hang of this cooking thing. And I like it:)
Thursday we (Laynie, Lyndi, Shelby, and I) went to The Cracken's for supper!! It was so much fun. I brought them some flowers. That were fake. From the classroom above their flat. And I sprayed Lyndi's perfume on them. Don't hate, I'm a poor college student. Despite all that, the Cracken's (Don't be confused, they are the McCrackens, but I have dubbed Vic "The Cracken" and it has stuck haha his wife is Mama Cracken, or MC. His kids are Crackheads...hahahaha no, just kidding, they don't have nicknames yet) accepted my gift and fed us! We had soup, rolls, cheese, fruit, and cheesecake. It was SO good. And then we just stuck around and talked with them for like three hours haha One subject of conversation was how we (all the girls + MC) love Pride and Prejudice. MC then invited us to have a girl's hangout and we could watch the mini series of P&P together. We all agreed with her and planned it out! Shortly after that we peaced out and headed back to our house for the night. Later that night I got to skype with my favorite oldest sister, Breanna which was FANTASTIC. I miss her. But, that was really great, it made my day even better.
Friday was a little different this week because we had to have English again. Which is a little rough because it's a three hour class session. BUT it was really fun. We had to read Frankenstein (which, by the way, is NOT the name of the monster, but of the mad scientist, fun fact #1) beforehand and then we discussed it and Mary Shelley. Towards the end of the class, Dr. Winn told us to split into groups and come up with our own scary stories and then we'd tell them to the rest of the class. So, when my group came around we went all out. Caleb came up with the story all by himself which was fine we supposed and I played creepy piano music as he read it. It was great. Everyone was laughing including Dr. Winn. SCORE. hahaha Later that night a my pals (Joey, Chris, Jon, Trey, Brady, Shelby, Lyndi, and I) piled into the classroom and watched Defiance which is a great movie. That was really fun, it's like our own little movie theater (the common room was taken over by people in love with that Downton Abby show). We also were introduced to this video that has changed my life. It's the best. It only gets better after watching 12 million times. Please enjoy and then read the rest of this blog. Don't worry, I have the song.
CHANGE MY LIFE TOO. sail. i'm a link. pick me.
After the movie, my friend Brady and I went on a walk around Oxford in the wee hours of the morning which was really strange to not see the business of St. Giles like we usually do, and a little bit creepy, but it was fun and really peaceful. Lastly, Friday was an especially great day because I got to skype with my best friend Laura Hopkins!! It was so great to talk, laugh, dance (yes, dance), and see her. We talked for a long while and we are starting our book club (yes, book club) who's only members are me and her haha We're reading The Case for Christ. PUMPED. Anyways, if you're reading this Laura, I love you very much and you brighten my day anyday I get to talk to you :) Please stay away from geese.
Saturday was pretty lazy. The day started out with good intentions to study and do homework all day because we are swamped this week, BUT as it always is when you're with friends, we got like nothing done. With the exception of Lyndi because she locked herself in her room haha So Sunday will be homework day. For lunch, Brady, Laynie, and I went to try On the Hoof for the first time which was a success!! BUT Saturday night we had our P&P night with Mama Cracken and it was fantastic! I made cookies (which turned out well despite not having brown sugar and improvising with white sugar mixed with maple syrup) and we just watched two or three episodes in the common room. Oh and Kellie came (she's the Greek teacher and lives in house 10 and does important things like Jacque does in house 9) who is fantastic. We had a great time laughing and making comments on the show and just hanging out. For supper, Brady and I made lemon-pepper chicken and sweet potatoes which was really good. I still have to get the hand of timing the potatoes so they are ready when the chicken is, but it was okay.
I ALSO got to talk to my Papa for about an hourish maybe on the phone
which was a special treat. It was really nice to be able to let down
with him about random things happening here at the house and how I'm
feeling and him being all "daddy-ie" and helping me out. He's the best.
He's pretty neat. He can build a barn. hahahahaha This is from the olden
golden glory days. I love you dad:)
This week has been pretty full and busy, but full of laughs and super fun so I'm not complaining. We do have a whole lot of homework to do that I should probably be doing instead of blogging so... on that note, I must bid you adieu! I hope you are all doing well. I am missing you all, but am doing just fine! I love you all and I'll talk next time I blog!
Cheers from across the pond,
Mallory Jean
Ps, upon request I must mention Laynie, Lyndi, and I's amazing dance party we had that a couple of our friends accidentally walked in on. They are resting their eyes at a nearby hospital. It all started with a whisper.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
"St. Andrews, Colored Pants and Mustache Shirts, and Quakers"
So the past couple of days I have been quite busy what with actual school starting and new responsibilities jdlfjadfyantidm;jgoi jibberish hahaha lynid jo is thiekngahalgkhidfndfhga fastest walker than bradyyyyyyyy because he smells funny dfh;alkglakhdfuihadngsd papa poo mama ba
That last bit was courtesy of Lyndi. She's a keeper. Onward!
The Clan (Lyndi, Brady, and I), Strab (Shelby), Aaron, Joey, Chris, Brantly, and the Crackens came with us to St. Andrews. Lyndi and I went to see Mary and Joy again because they said that's where they attended. We told them that day in the park that we would come see them the next day and we did! Mary was there and we sat behind her, but she said that Joy was sick. The service was very interesting. We had little cards with which we would respond as a congregation to something the Victer (preacher) said. Then, we all got up and took communion which was very different. We weren't really sure what to do and so I asked Mary if we could go with her. We followed Mary (very slowly) up to the side/front of the church and participated in communion. There were three people there, two with a goblet of wine and one with a loaf of bread. As a person approached, the person with the bread would tear off a piece and hand it to them saying, "Take and eat, this is the Lord's body" and then the person would step to the right or the left and then they would receive wine (this was un-alocholic and it was REPULSIVE) with them saying, "Take and drink, this is the Lord's blood." Then we went and sat back down and there was a moment of silence. It was so awe-inspiring to hear and see the reverence with which these people spoke and moved within their sanctuary. Even though it was something I wasn't used to and made me a little bit uncomfortable, I realized that one can find beauty in everything, even in the things that are different and uncomfortable and that there are other ways of doing things that are just as memorable and meaningful as the ways I am normally used to.
After church, Mary gave us her address to her flat and her phone number and told us to come and visit her! Lyndi and I will probably do that tomorrow after our little boys go off to climb a mountain in Scotland. They are very prepared. Brady and Joey (the two on the right) look especially ready because they are sporting my scarf and matching beanie hahaha
Lyndi and I are so proud. Anyways, church was a great experience and the people there were very welcoming and talked to us about anything we had questions over. The best part was that there wasn't a person under 60 there! Besides ourselves of course. I love old people. They are so darn cute, especially when they have accents.
Lyndi, Brady, and I went to Blackwells (bookstore in town) to see how long a walk that was on our classy pedometers. And then, we did Brady a HUGE favor that probably changed his life. We took him to Primark. As you already know, Primark is my and Lyndi's new favorite store. Cheap, cute clothes. What more could a girl ask for. Well, we practically run to Primark and then run into Joey, Chris, and Aaron! They were looking for scarves and gloves to take on their mountain trip and Brady needed some too. And so, as any good friends would, Lyndi and I started looking at clothes for our boys. And we came across...colored pants. We got Brady some salmon (the masculine terms meaning "pink/redish" colored ones and Joey got some red ones. Aaron was very distraught because they did not have his size in his desired blue ones. In addition to all these wonderful colored pants, I found a fantastic shirt with a mustache and glasses on it and so of course I bought it :) SCORE. Brantly came home Wednesday night with green ones. Lyndi and I both have some colored pants. And so, we started a trend :) Picture of colored pants day to follow shortly.
We actually started school on Monday, but Tuesday was a real clincher. We were in town from 9:30-20:00ish. SUPER long day. I had English, which I LOVE, Bible, and then we went to Dorchester Abbey at around 15:30. That place was pretty cool. We saw a lot of mind blowing things, one of the coolest was that they had a UK flag from WWI, that was awesome. My only favorite picture from that trip was my one with Strawb, and she's maybe one of my favorite people (I hope that sufficed Shelby haha)
After the abby, we returned home. Nothing more to report about that day (mostly I can't remember haha)
AH HA! We went to class. That wasn't the exciting part. We went to the farmer's market for the first time and it was wonderful! Everything was super fresh and just a pound. Lyndi and I spend 20ish pounds on two things of raspberries, some corn, some ham, three things of cheese, some fresh bread that is AMAZING, some strawberries, some peaches, and some potatoes. LOTS OF FOOD. It was great, we are making it a weekly thing :) Oh! We made friends with the bread man, his name is Mic. He asked us where we were from and we said Texas, but that we were staying till December for school. He told us that California must be sheer empty because everyone he had met was from there haha We went back home and hung about and watched Aristocats (solid choice, I know). Lyndi and I braved the laundry room for the first time and came out with only one causality, one of Lyndi's shirts did not take well to the fabric softener. BUT we had a good long chat and lots of laughs while doing laundry that was really nice. After that, Lydni and I went and played bastketball for a bit and ended up just sitting down and talking, as all girls do, about boys. Brady meandered out and joined us shortly after that and we all had a good long chat which was great :) The Clan for life!
We went to class in the Quaker church again, which is where we have our Tuesday/Thursday classes mostly. It was kind of strange to be sitting in the Friend's Meeting place and be using it to learn about the Old Testament and English literature haha After classes, Brady, Lyndi, and I went to a cafe and had lunch. Then we came back home and had a bit of a photo shoot with the boys as they packed up to go off to Scotland. We had some awkward run-ins, reminded them to pack deodorant, and then sent them off on their way.
They are gone now and will be back on Sunday and we cannot wait for their return. Because we miss them. And because there are four semi-fully grown boys going on that three day trip armed with a 3 man tent, two sleeping mats, and one blanket. They will return with stories galore. But mostly we miss them :) Later that night Lyndi, Strawb, and I watched the always wonderful Bridesmaids in the classroom which was like our own private movie theater because the common room was being used. And then we watched Easy A until my computer died and then we parted ways and went to bed. I recently became addicted to Pintrest, so I looked for recipes and cool things to put into our house once a few of my friends and I get one back in Abilene. Living here, in community with everyone is really exciting to think about back home. Just because all these people are fantastic and I love having my own kitchen!!
Today was a super lazy day. I don't have any classes on Friday, but Lyndi has French at 14:00. So, we both woke up really late and laid about for a bit and then Lyndi came over and made us some "egg in a hole" breakfast (piece of toast with the middle cut out with the whites of an egg placed there instead. Wasn't too bad and I'm not an egg person), and then we went into town for a bit, did some shopping, got some quality jackets, browsed Primark again, and headed home! We chilled for a bit, but then Laynie, Strawb, Lyndi, and I went down to one of the local theaters and saw Lawless. Lemme tell ya. THAT MOVIE IS FREAKING INTENSE. We were all emotionally drained afterwards and couldn't stop talking about it. It's really great. We have plans to go see it again haha After the movie we went to G&D's for some ice cream and laughs and then headed home! It was a really great night!!
Tomorrow Lyndi and I plan to go out to Port Meadow, take a lunch, and just explore out there. Maybe take some homework, DEFINITELY take some books, and just enjoy our 76 degree weather :) That's all for now folks, sorry it's been a while again, I'll try to blog more often, it is really hard to remember what all we did after a few days haha I love you all and am thinking of you all often! Be praying for everyone here!!
Cheers from across the pond,
Mallory Jean
That last bit was courtesy of Lyndi. She's a keeper. Onward!
The Clan (Lyndi, Brady, and I), Strab (Shelby), Aaron, Joey, Chris, Brantly, and the Crackens came with us to St. Andrews. Lyndi and I went to see Mary and Joy again because they said that's where they attended. We told them that day in the park that we would come see them the next day and we did! Mary was there and we sat behind her, but she said that Joy was sick. The service was very interesting. We had little cards with which we would respond as a congregation to something the Victer (preacher) said. Then, we all got up and took communion which was very different. We weren't really sure what to do and so I asked Mary if we could go with her. We followed Mary (very slowly) up to the side/front of the church and participated in communion. There were three people there, two with a goblet of wine and one with a loaf of bread. As a person approached, the person with the bread would tear off a piece and hand it to them saying, "Take and eat, this is the Lord's body" and then the person would step to the right or the left and then they would receive wine (this was un-alocholic and it was REPULSIVE) with them saying, "Take and drink, this is the Lord's blood." Then we went and sat back down and there was a moment of silence. It was so awe-inspiring to hear and see the reverence with which these people spoke and moved within their sanctuary. Even though it was something I wasn't used to and made me a little bit uncomfortable, I realized that one can find beauty in everything, even in the things that are different and uncomfortable and that there are other ways of doing things that are just as memorable and meaningful as the ways I am normally used to.
After church, Mary gave us her address to her flat and her phone number and told us to come and visit her! Lyndi and I will probably do that tomorrow after our little boys go off to climb a mountain in Scotland. They are very prepared. Brady and Joey (the two on the right) look especially ready because they are sporting my scarf and matching beanie hahaha
Lyndi and I are so proud. Anyways, church was a great experience and the people there were very welcoming and talked to us about anything we had questions over. The best part was that there wasn't a person under 60 there! Besides ourselves of course. I love old people. They are so darn cute, especially when they have accents.
Lyndi, Brady, and I went to Blackwells (bookstore in town) to see how long a walk that was on our classy pedometers. And then, we did Brady a HUGE favor that probably changed his life. We took him to Primark. As you already know, Primark is my and Lyndi's new favorite store. Cheap, cute clothes. What more could a girl ask for. Well, we practically run to Primark and then run into Joey, Chris, and Aaron! They were looking for scarves and gloves to take on their mountain trip and Brady needed some too. And so, as any good friends would, Lyndi and I started looking at clothes for our boys. And we came across...colored pants. We got Brady some salmon (the masculine terms meaning "pink/redish" colored ones and Joey got some red ones. Aaron was very distraught because they did not have his size in his desired blue ones. In addition to all these wonderful colored pants, I found a fantastic shirt with a mustache and glasses on it and so of course I bought it :) SCORE. Brantly came home Wednesday night with green ones. Lyndi and I both have some colored pants. And so, we started a trend :) Picture of colored pants day to follow shortly.
We actually started school on Monday, but Tuesday was a real clincher. We were in town from 9:30-20:00ish. SUPER long day. I had English, which I LOVE, Bible, and then we went to Dorchester Abbey at around 15:30. That place was pretty cool. We saw a lot of mind blowing things, one of the coolest was that they had a UK flag from WWI, that was awesome. My only favorite picture from that trip was my one with Strawb, and she's maybe one of my favorite people (I hope that sufficed Shelby haha)
After the abby, we returned home. Nothing more to report about that day (mostly I can't remember haha)
AH HA! We went to class. That wasn't the exciting part. We went to the farmer's market for the first time and it was wonderful! Everything was super fresh and just a pound. Lyndi and I spend 20ish pounds on two things of raspberries, some corn, some ham, three things of cheese, some fresh bread that is AMAZING, some strawberries, some peaches, and some potatoes. LOTS OF FOOD. It was great, we are making it a weekly thing :) Oh! We made friends with the bread man, his name is Mic. He asked us where we were from and we said Texas, but that we were staying till December for school. He told us that California must be sheer empty because everyone he had met was from there haha We went back home and hung about and watched Aristocats (solid choice, I know). Lyndi and I braved the laundry room for the first time and came out with only one causality, one of Lyndi's shirts did not take well to the fabric softener. BUT we had a good long chat and lots of laughs while doing laundry that was really nice. After that, Lydni and I went and played bastketball for a bit and ended up just sitting down and talking, as all girls do, about boys. Brady meandered out and joined us shortly after that and we all had a good long chat which was great :) The Clan for life!
We went to class in the Quaker church again, which is where we have our Tuesday/Thursday classes mostly. It was kind of strange to be sitting in the Friend's Meeting place and be using it to learn about the Old Testament and English literature haha After classes, Brady, Lyndi, and I went to a cafe and had lunch. Then we came back home and had a bit of a photo shoot with the boys as they packed up to go off to Scotland. We had some awkward run-ins, reminded them to pack deodorant, and then sent them off on their way.
They are gone now and will be back on Sunday and we cannot wait for their return. Because we miss them. And because there are four semi-fully grown boys going on that three day trip armed with a 3 man tent, two sleeping mats, and one blanket. They will return with stories galore. But mostly we miss them :) Later that night Lyndi, Strawb, and I watched the always wonderful Bridesmaids in the classroom which was like our own private movie theater because the common room was being used. And then we watched Easy A until my computer died and then we parted ways and went to bed. I recently became addicted to Pintrest, so I looked for recipes and cool things to put into our house once a few of my friends and I get one back in Abilene. Living here, in community with everyone is really exciting to think about back home. Just because all these people are fantastic and I love having my own kitchen!!
Today was a super lazy day. I don't have any classes on Friday, but Lyndi has French at 14:00. So, we both woke up really late and laid about for a bit and then Lyndi came over and made us some "egg in a hole" breakfast (piece of toast with the middle cut out with the whites of an egg placed there instead. Wasn't too bad and I'm not an egg person), and then we went into town for a bit, did some shopping, got some quality jackets, browsed Primark again, and headed home! We chilled for a bit, but then Laynie, Strawb, Lyndi, and I went down to one of the local theaters and saw Lawless. Lemme tell ya. THAT MOVIE IS FREAKING INTENSE. We were all emotionally drained afterwards and couldn't stop talking about it. It's really great. We have plans to go see it again haha After the movie we went to G&D's for some ice cream and laughs and then headed home! It was a really great night!!
Tomorrow Lyndi and I plan to go out to Port Meadow, take a lunch, and just explore out there. Maybe take some homework, DEFINITELY take some books, and just enjoy our 76 degree weather :) That's all for now folks, sorry it's been a while again, I'll try to blog more often, it is really hard to remember what all we did after a few days haha I love you all and am thinking of you all often! Be praying for everyone here!!
Cheers from across the pond,
Mallory Jean
Saturday, September 1, 2012
"Kicking the Crack, Old Ladies, and My New Boyfriend"
Hello Texas folk and friends! I live in Canterbury 9, just a short walk from town (my house is cooler than Canterbury 10:) )! First day here was, in a word, strange. We went on a short walk with our host professors, then they left us to fend for ourselves, and get back home by using our map. It kind of felt like an international and intentional initiation (man, look at that alliteration) which was kinda funny. Kinda. But we made it back basically in one piece. Brady, Lyndi, and I then made our first meal of tortellinis (food of champions OF COURSE) which I failed to take a picture of. During this lovely meal we talked of denominations of churches to recycling to our freaky kitchen light to banana boys working the corner to kicking the crack. To explain all of this, we were talking about denominations for some reason and I said, "I think denominations are stupid." Brady agreed and Lyndi asked how they separated them into divisions. Brady started to explain, "Well, it's all about tradition..." to which Lyndi responded, "No...the recycle bins..." Memory #1 = CHECK. Then our kitchen light randomly came on when we had been sitting in the dark for a good thirty minutes. It is motion censored. A tad bit delayed I think. The next day Lyndi tripped on a crack and told Brady that she was merely kicking the crack which is now a common phrase among our Oxford family. Brady also explained his job as a banana boy where he would stand on the side of the street dressed up in a giant banana and dance. He said "I worked the corner as the banana boy..." to which I of course responded with "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days..." Memory # 2 = CHECK. Following our awkward meal (lupper because we had it in the awkward time after lunch but before supper) we had a giant movie night with our Oxford family so we could escape jet lag's grasp. We watched the King's Speech and Hot Fuzz, a British comedy which would take a whole other blog to explain. I don't really understand exactly what happened myself haha It's only day three and we have made so many memories and so many great friends, basically we are having the time of our lives just as we thought we would.
Today Lyndi and I got up and went exploring/got lost in Oxford and had a very successful trip. We found Jericho and did some light shopping and then discovered Primark down on Queens Street, which is where we got down to the nitty gritty of shopping. Oh. My. Gosh. This place was heaven. It was like a super cheap Forever 21 AND it was right next to Pound Land. Score. Pound Land was a lavish dollar store that had actual name brand things (shampoo, chocolate, toilet paper, you know, the finer things in life) that were actually only a quid (a pound, that there is an English term :] )! Then we stopped at Costa which is like an English version of Starbucks and had a quick snack and headed home. We were home for only a short while because then everyone else decided in honor of the beautiful day we should go to University Parks and play ultimate. When we arrived Lyndi, Brantly, and I came to the conclusion that our time would be better spent by climbing a tree, walking around the park, and talking to old ladies. Which we accomplished fantastically. While walking around the park we came upon the most adorable two older ladies eating ice cream and sitting with their pup.
After a few minutes of whispered arguments of strategy, we decided to approach them. Lyndi came up to them with the guise of wanting to pet the dog. Little did they know that we just wanted to talk to them in a non creepy fashion. Then we began a conversation with our two new friends whose names are Mary and Joy. We talked with them for about 15 minutes about school, meaningless pennies/pence, and cameras/photos. They were the most adorable ladies I have ever met, so funny, so cute, and just so darn English. They reminded me of my Oma which made me smile. Anyways, Lyndi and I are going to their church tomorrow to see them. They explained it as, *read with a British accent* "Oh we go to St. Andrews, yeah. There's an eight o'clock service with communion, a nine forty five service, that's the one all the families go to and the children make it quite rowdy, and then there's the eleven fifteen service which is the one all the Nannies go to, there's no ruckus in that one." "Oh unless we start it Joy." "Oh yes, that we could except we don't want the wrath of God on our shoulders haha!" Just through that tid bit I am POSITIVE you can see how adorable they are. Lyndi and I then stayed behind after everone else went grocery shopping and laid in the grass and read books and chatted for a while. That was quite nice. And then we went home, skyped with our dear friend Abigail Phipps, made grilled cheese halvses/disgusting Spaghetti O's tomato soup, and fulfilled our duty to introduce Brady to Singin' in the Rain.
In other news, I now have a boyfriend. Yes, Mother and Father will be so proud. Grandpa is going to do a backflip. Here's the story on how he asked me out, it's SO adorable. We're so cute together. I saw Brady skyping with his family so I of course meandered over, interrupted, and said hello to them just to discover that he has a five year old little brother named Brenden. I started talking to Brenden and asking about his little stuffed puppy dog and telling him about my little buddy named Cash and then the heat turned up real quick. He started giggling and said really quickly, "Are you Brady's girlfriend?" And I said, "Oh. Ummmm...Brady and I have only known each other a few days, so, no, he's not my boyfriend haha" And just as I finished saying no, Brenden blurted out, "Will you be my girlfriend?" to which I of course responded with, "YES." He proceeded to tell me he was getting me a pony for Christmas and then I showed him my superior guitar skills and then he showed me his mini guitar skills and I told him we could start a band. The night/our first skype date ended with Brenden and I exchanging air kisses and goodbyes. I know it's moving fast. I know. But I've got it good. REAL good. No need to tell me twice. Photos of the boyfriend to come soon. I'm sure there will be a Christmas card.
Anyways, that was round-a-bout my past couple of days! I apologize for the wait and for the length of this blog, I will try to do it more often. Just wanna give a shout out to my two amazing sisters, BFF Abigail, my parents, my bro, and Cash and Clara, I love you guys so much, miss you all. I am having a blast here with all my friends and new friends and am so glad I can share it with all of you. Thank you Mom and Dad for this amazing opportunity and for pitching in financially. Love you all!
Cheers from across the pond,
Mallory Jean
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